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Prediction for Australia vs. Germany




12.53 %

16.02 %

71.45 %


Today match from FIFA Confederations Cup between Australia vs. Germany will start at . Our Estimator predicted that chances for Australia to win this match are 12.53 %, chances that match finish with draw are 16.02 % and chance that match end with Germany win are 71.45 %.

Based on this estimations our Predictor predict that match Australia vs. Germany will end with TIP 2. You can see Australia - Germany livescore on this link. If you would like to get more info regarding FIFA Confederations Cup click on league link or if you would like to check FIFA Confederations Cup live also click on FIFA Confederations Cup livescores link.

In case you decide to bet on match Australia vs. Germany we strongly recommend you to do your own research regarding this match and this research need to include google search for Australia team news and Germany team news. You can simple click on following two links Australia news and Germany news or you can try to find some info regarding match in complet like Australia Germany tip or Australia Germany news or Australia Germany preview on google.



Prediction for Australia vs. Germany

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